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A simple tip for decorating dining rooms: if your cabinets are crammed full, invest in a hanging rack for under the shelves, and slide your wine and champagne glasses in for easy storage.


hippie decorating tips.Need a vibrant window treatment for you kitchen or bathroom? Simply buy a low-cost basswood shade and paint it a bright color. Other interior decorating tips: paint your walls a vivid, sunny yellow and randomly paint over some areas with a deeper yellow, a dark peach, and terra cotta. Paint your cabinets with a few layers of paint using a dry brush. Buy some really pretty copper pots and pans and hang them with hooks under your cabinets. If there is no room under your cabinets, find another location, possibly your ceiling, to hang this decorative cookware.

Get a hold of some glass jars that are typically used for jams, jellies and other jarred delights. Decorate the jars according to your particular kitchen design motif or make some holiday decorations.

You'll need the following:
glass jars
acrylic glass paint or markers
paint palette or saucers
drop cloth
old toothbrushes

1. Wash the jars with a de-greaser making sure to dry them completely. Lay a drop cloth on your work surface.
2. Pour paint into bottle caps or other small containers to separate the different colors of paint. Hold the jar at an angle with your hand inside and use your thumb to flick specks of color onto the jar as desired. Or, use paint and/or markers to create a design that works with your design motif, holiday designs, etc.
3. Follow paint manufacturer's instructions for drying/baking.


wall home décor. The Roman culture helped define bathing in luxury with their many bathhouses. It was not uncommon for the elite to bathe in a house adorned with murals. Thankfully, the enjoyment of murals is no longer reserved for the elite – it’s a great small bathroom decoration idea. There are numerous other bathroom decorating ideas that can bring beauty into your bathing space and help foster bath relaxation.


vinyl cut decorations. Western Interiors and Design showcases premium architecture and design all through the west. Homeowners and design experts who are always in search of ideas, insights and resources are its target market. Inspiring homes, modernizing and decorating ideas, furniture, art, gardens and landscaping, and design trends such as vinyl cut decorations that often set the pace for the rest of the country are covered in each issue.

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